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Thank you, UW

Four years ago, when I first set foot on the University of Washington Campus, I looked at the twinkling cherry blossoms, saw students hurrying to class, and gazed up at the castle-like buildings. On that day, I had no idea what was in store. 


In the past four years:


I made life-long friendships with the most fun, supportive, and hilarious people.


I explored my interest in nutrition, and studied diet-related disease in a UW Medicine research lab with an inspiring scientist named Laura den Hartigh.


I discovered the beauty of the Washington Park Arboretum’s running trails, where I ran over a thousand miles during my time at UW.


I spent four years’ worth of Friday afternoons with patients at Seattle Children’s hospital in need of company and comfort. They gave me more than I gave them.


I joined a club called Global Medical Brigades, and spent summers volunteering in Nicaragua. There, I helped bring medical services and public health infrastructure to people without access to healthcare.


I spent 9 days trekking through the Olympic National Park backcountry learning about ecology, wilderness history, and my physical limits.


I walked through the University Farmer’s Market on Saturday mornings with my closest friends where I bought fresh bread and vegetables from local vendors.


I took classes focused on linguistics, biochemistry, and Latin American jazz.


I filled in hundreds of scantron bubbles. 


I drank an obnoxious amount of coffee. 


I went to international film festivals.


I listened to hundreds of podcasts.


I ran two auctions and a half marathon.

I took dance classes.


I went to cheap concerts.


I learned to stop comparing myself to others.


I fell in love.


I struggled.


I succeeded.


I had the time of my life.



I learned a lot in my classes, as I assumed I would as a freshman. But I also learned about life, and what it means to be Kate.


So as I leave these four years behind, I'm raising a big glass to my immensely meaningful experience. It's been wild, UW. Thank you for the journey of a lifetime.




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